Carouge is also a city of libraries. A universe that bears witness to the cultural proliferation and open-mindedness which has always characterised the small Sardinian city.
Library of the Boulevard des Promenades
The place for all kinds of literary get-togethers. No fewer than 56 000 volumes freely accessible, and lively conversations about the latest novels.
For those interested in the history of Carouge, the Library also plays a prominent role in acquiring and conserving publications relating to Carouge, its neighbouring communes and the Savoy.
BiblioQuartier des Grands-Hutins
Closely linked with the site on the Boulevard des Promenades, the BiblioQuartier des Grands-Hutins has its own particular style of functioning, especially with respect to lending conditions, and what it offers in terms of services and selection of documents. It thus provides an innovative local cultural offering as well as facilitated access to books and the press (newspapers and magazines) for all audiences.
Jesuit Library – CEDOFOR
In an opulent house that once served as an inn, 50 000 works of reference including specialised collections and encyclopaedias are at the disposal of the public on loan or for consultation. Small chapel in the basement still in use today for Mass.
Rue Jacques-Dalphin 18
P 022 827 46 78
Archives of the Commune
The communal archives of Carouge abound with documents that can be consulted by the general public: local newspapers, 18th century plans of the construction of the city, all has been carefully conserved here, even though a large part of the archives retracing the creation of Carouge in the 18th century by the King of Piedmont-Sardinia are still located in Turin.
Archives of Private Life
These comprise letters, photos, personal diaries, account books, tickets and diplomas. They are intended to show the ways of life, thinking and loving of people of modest means in the 19th and 20th centuries. An initiative launched in 1994 on the European level by an association of archivists, historians and lovers of stories of private life, to draw the public’s attention to the importance of private memory as a historical heritage.
Rue de la Tannerie 2bis
P 022 301 10 31
Mossadegh Foundation, Library of Iranian Studies
Established in 2000 in Carouge to honour the memory of Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953, the Library of Iranian Studies contains 4000 works in French, English and Farsi. The library, which is also a foundation, claims an apolitical vocation. Its aim is to makes known Iran and its culture.
Place d’Armes 21
P 022 300 37 55
© Christine Ansermet, Swisspassions.
Are you looking for a small bookshop with the charm of yesteryear? Then welcome to Carouge! Here you will certainly find the bookshop that meets your expectations, and there’s even one that specialises in children’s books.